szende (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szende
szende (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szende
szendébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szendébb
legszendébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszendébb
szemérem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemérem
kovászosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kovászosabb
legkovászosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkovászosabb
szemérmes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemérmes
szemérmesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemérmesebb
legszemérmesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszemérmesebb
romosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: romosabb
legromosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legromosabb
vandalizmus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vandalizmus
homályosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: homályosabb
leghomályosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghomályosabb
magasztosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: magasztosabb
legmagasztosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legmagasztosabb
módosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: módosabb
legmódosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legmódosabb
gusztusosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gusztusosabb
leggusztusosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leggusztusosabb
harcosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: harcosabb
legharcosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legharcosabb
burkolt (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: burkolt
burkoltabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: burkoltabb
legburkoltabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legburkoltabb
kezesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kezesebb
legkezesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkezesebb
képesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: képesebb
legképesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legképesebb
kölcsönösebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kölcsönösebb
legkölcsönösebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkölcsönösebb
nyilvánosház (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyilvánosház
topánka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: topánka
vádli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vádli
ösztövér (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ösztövér
ösztövérebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ösztövérebb
legösztövérebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legösztövérebb
osztályzat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: osztályzat
féleszű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: féleszű
féleszű (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: féleszű
legféleszűbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legféleszűbb
féleszűbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: féleszűbb
eszű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: eszű
legálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legálisabb
leglegálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leglegálisabb
primitívebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: primitívebb
legprimitívebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legprimitívebb
reményteljesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: reményteljesebb
legreményteljesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legreményteljesebb
műemlék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: műemlék
geci (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: geci
geci (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: geci
hisztérikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hisztérikusabb
leghisztérikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghisztérikusabb
bandikut (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bandikut
tiltottabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tiltottabb
legtiltottabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legtiltottabb
gátló (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gátló
gátlóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gátlóbb
leggátlóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leggátlóbb
frenetikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: frenetikusabb
legfrenetikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legfrenetikusabb
megközelítőbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: megközelítőbb
legmegközelítőbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legmegközelítőbb
szórakoztatóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szórakoztatóbb
legszórakoztatóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszórakoztatóbb
tágasabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tágasabb
legtágasabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legtágasabb
verbálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: verbálisabb
legverbálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legverbálisabb
nemesem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nemesem
nemese (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nemese
parallaxis (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: parallaxis
orgazmikus (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: orgazmikus
világosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: világosabb
legvilágosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legvilágosabb
váratlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: váratlanabb
legváratlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legváratlanabb
mohóság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mohóság
megelégedettebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: megelégedettebb
legmegelégedettebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legmegelégedettebb
kőpad (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kőpad
botja (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: botja
viharedzett (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: viharedzett
viharedzettebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: viharedzettebb
legviharedzettebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legviharedzettebb
verőfény (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: verőfény
verőfényes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: verőfényes
verőfényesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: verőfényesebb
legverőfényesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legverőfényesebb
gennyes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gennyes
gennyesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gennyesebb
leggennyesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leggennyesebb
kavicsos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kavicsos
kavicsosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kavicsosabb
legkavicsosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkavicsosabb
kerékzörgés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kerékzörgés
humorérzék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: humorérzék
bőre (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bőre
ajakos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ajakos
dugipénz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dugipénz
sintó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sintó
farka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: farka
lelkiismeret-furdalás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lelkiismeret-furdalás
akárki (Hungarian pronoun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: akárki
hajlandóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hajlandóbb
leghajlandóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghajlandóbb
jelentéktelen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: jelentéktelen
tanonc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tanonc
szaruhártya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szaruhártya
recehártya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: recehártya
szivárványhártya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szivárványhártya
szemlencse (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemlencse
fecskesirály (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fecskesirály
partifecske (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: partifecske
molnárfecske (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: molnárfecske
sarlósfecske (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sarlósfecske
karvalybagoly (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: karvalybagoly
portéka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: portéka
fokozatosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fokozatosabb
legfokozatosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legfokozatosabb
ittasabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ittasabb
legittasabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legittasabb
hajgumi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hajgumi
mulandó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mulandó
mulandóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mulandóbb
legmulandóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legmulandóbb
rendszeresebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rendszeresebb
legrendszeresebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legrendszeresebb
mérsékeltebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mérsékeltebb
legmérsékeltebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legmérsékeltebb
boszorka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: boszorka
felkar (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: felkar
trolibusz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: trolibusz
vasvilla (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vasvilla
rétesliszt (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rétesliszt
kazal (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kazal
kazal (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kazal
erőtlenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: erőtlenebb
legerőtlenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legerőtlenebb
műveltebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: műveltebb
legműveltebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legműveltebb
műveltség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: műveltség
műveletlen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: műveletlen
műveletlenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: műveletlenebb
legműveletlenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legműveletlenebb
műcsarnok (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: műcsarnok
szénsavas (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szénsavas
hiszékeny (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hiszékeny
hiszékenyebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hiszékenyebb
leghiszékenyebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghiszékenyebb
iránya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: iránya
hódolat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hódolat
fénye (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fénye
hócipője (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hócipője
gőzhajó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gőzhajó
türkiz (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: türkiz
türkiz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: türkiz
tárgyalóterem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tárgyalóterem
tárgyaló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tárgyaló
szemtelen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemtelen
szemtelenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemtelenebb
legszemtelenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszemtelenebb
mellékcselekmény (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mellékcselekmény
faragatlan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: faragatlan
faragott (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: faragott
faragás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: faragás
jegyzettömb (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: jegyzettömb
háta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: háta
foltos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: foltos
foltosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: foltosabb
legfoltosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legfoltosabb
csehovi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csehovi
csehovibb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csehovibb
legcsehovibb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legcsehovibb
kegy (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kegy
kegyenc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kegyenc
kegyed (Hungarian pronoun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kegyed
kegyed (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kegyed
kegyes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kegyes
kegyesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kegyesebb
legkegyesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkegyesebb
párkány (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: párkány
könyöklő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: könyöklő
alattvaló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: alattvaló
kedvencebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kedvencebb
legkedvencebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkedvencebb
kicsoda (Hungarian pronoun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kicsoda
söröző (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: söröző
söröző (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: söröző
pimasz (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pimasz
pimasz (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pimasz
pimasz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pimasz
pimaszabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pimaszabb
legpimaszabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legpimaszabb
töredezett (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: töredezett
töredezettebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: töredezettebb
legtöredezettebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legtöredezettebb
stíl (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: stíl
hatályosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hatályosabb
leghatályosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghatályosabb
javasasszony (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: javasasszony
zsibbasztóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsibbasztóbb
legzsibbasztóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legzsibbasztóbb
láncfűrész (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: láncfűrész
vízvezeték-szerelő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vízvezeték-szerelő
viseltes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: viseltes
hűség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hűség
cigánypecsenye (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: cigánypecsenye
pecsenye (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pecsenye
mokány (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mokány
mokányabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mokányabb
legmokányabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legmokányabb
ipartelep (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ipartelep
kaláka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kaláka
kéró (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kéró
robotos (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: robotos
sokadalom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sokadalom
kálvária (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kálvária
heverő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: heverő
tövis (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tövis
csokoládéfagylalt (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csokoládéfagylalt
bűvös (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bűvös
diótorta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: diótorta
ramaty (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ramaty
ramatyabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ramatyabb
legramatyabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legramatyabb
rabiátus (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rabiátus
zsáknyi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsáknyi
ebadta (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ebadta
dobostorta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dobostorta
berakás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: berakás
küldöttség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: küldöttség
bűvösebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bűvösebb
legbűvösebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legbűvösebb
maródi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: maródi
maródi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: maródi
kétfejű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kétfejű
kacor (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kacor
kacor (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kacor
hetyke (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hetyke
hetykébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hetykébb
leghetykébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghetykébb
karcsú (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: karcsú
karcsúbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: karcsúbb
legkarcsúbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkarcsúbb
kikerics (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kikerics
fenem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fenem
dőre (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dőre
dőrébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dőrébb
legdőrébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legdőrébb
tolt (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tolt
ösztöndíj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ösztöndíj
szótag (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szótag
biciklis (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: biciklis
biciklis (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: biciklis
korlátolt (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: korlátolt
korlátoltabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: korlátoltabb
legkorlátoltabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkorlátoltabb
orsó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: orsó
orsócsont (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: orsócsont
zsíros (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsíros
zsírosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsírosabb
legzsírosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legzsírosabb
utcalány (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: utcalány
rendetlen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rendetlen
rendetlenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rendetlenebb
legrendetlenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legrendetlenebb
sarkantyú (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sarkantyú
málé (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: málé
málé (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: málé
málé (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: málé
mamuz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mamuz
tarlatán (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tarlatán
NAV (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: NAV
precedense (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: precedense
marsi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: marsi
ováció (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ováció
adattípus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: adattípus
informatívabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: informatívabb
leginformatívabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leginformatívabb
ironikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ironikusabb
legironikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legironikusabb
kategorikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kategorikusabb
legkategorikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkategorikusabb
kleptomániásabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kleptomániásabb
legkleptomániásabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkleptomániásabb
konformistább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: konformistább
legkonformistább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkonformistább
szintetikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szintetikusabb
legszintetikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszintetikusabb
Dél-Szudán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Dél-Szudán
Szudán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Szudán
ródlidomb (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ródlidomb
ródli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ródli
sparhelt (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sparhelt
Papp (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Papp
Vas (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Vas
komorabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: komorabb
legkomorabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkomorabb
levéltelen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: levéltelen
levéltelenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: levéltelenebb
leglevéltelenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leglevéltelenebb
áradat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: áradat
strukturálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: strukturálisabb
legstrukturálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legstrukturálisabb
szimptomatikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szimptomatikusabb
legszimptomatikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszimptomatikusabb
munkanap (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: munkanap
szülőváros (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szülőváros
levelű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: levelű
őröm (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: őröm
gyomorégés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gyomorégés
modernizáció (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: modernizáció
objektivitás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: objektivitás
ajánlólevél (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ajánlólevél
agyrázkódás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: agyrázkódás
ravatal (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ravatal
hűtőtáska (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hűtőtáska
délkeletibb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: délkeletibb
legdélkeletibb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legdélkeletibb
fejlődésregény (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fejlődésregény
recenzió (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: recenzió
padlódeszka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: padlódeszka
könyvklub (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: könyvklub
véna (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: véna
hitvesi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hitvesi
csevegés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csevegés
csicsergés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csicsergés
csontkollekció (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csontkollekció
csoportelmélet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csoportelmélet
Lilla (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Lilla
magyartanár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: magyartanár
Polinézia (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Polinézia
hippokratészi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hippokratészi
eskü (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: eskü
közösségibb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: közösségibb
legközösségibb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legközösségibb
orrnyereg (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: orrnyereg
lagúna (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lagúna
vasmacska (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vasmacska
negyedfél (Hungarian numeral) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: negyedfél
lomb (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lomb
lombtalan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lombtalan
lombtalanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lombtalanabb
leglombtalanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leglombtalanabb
fényesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fényesebb
legfényesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legfényesebb
perei (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: perei
gödi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gödi
Győr (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Győr
Szeged (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Szeged
Nyíregyháza (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Nyíregyháza
Miskolc (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Miskolc
Tatabánya (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Tatabánya
Sopron (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Sopron
Kecskemét (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Kecskemét
morva (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: morva
morva (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: morva
nemei (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nemei
parodista (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: parodista
stimuláció (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: stimuláció
burkom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: burkom
foki (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: foki
foki (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: foki
fokom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fokom
wilsoni (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: wilsoni
williamsi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: williamsi
tejtermék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tejtermék
lapom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lapom
kravátli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kravátli
uzsora (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: uzsora
uzsorás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: uzsorás
segély (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: segély
áldott (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: áldott
áldatlan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: áldatlan
pántlika (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pántlika
pántli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pántli
kéregető (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kéregető
kéregetés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kéregetés
tacskó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tacskó
szófogadó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szófogadó
szófogadóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szófogadóbb
legszófogadóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszófogadóbb
fogadós (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fogadós
fogadósné (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fogadósné
lóversenypálya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lóversenypálya
rongyos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rongyos
rongyosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rongyosabb
legrongyosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legrongyosabb
legrongyabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legrongyabb
rongyabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rongyabb
rongyszedő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rongyszedő
rongyrázás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rongyrázás
vásárfia (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vásárfia
szedő (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szedő
szedő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szedő
hangszedő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hangszedő
rázás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rázás
tangó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tangó
karakánabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: karakánabb
legkarakánabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkarakánabb
tb (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tb
ószeres (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ószeres
ószer (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ószer
zsib (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsib
fésületlen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fésületlen
fésületlenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fésületlenebb
legfésületlenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legfésületlenebb
lestyán (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lestyán
dajka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dajka
dagonya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dagonya
dagonyázás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dagonyázás
búvár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: búvár
Erk (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Erk
Tura (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Tura
disznóság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: disznóság
kérdőív (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kérdőív
spirituális (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: spirituális
spirituálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: spirituálisabb
legspirituálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legspirituálisabb
szerencsesüti (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szerencsesüti
személyjel (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: személyjel
periferiálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: periferiálisabb
legperiferiálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legperiferiálisabb
poliszémia (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: poliszémia
tátika (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tátika
oszét (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: oszét
oszét (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: oszét
oszét (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: oszét
oszét (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: oszét
Szókratész (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Szókratész
szívtelen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szívtelen
szívtelenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szívtelenebb
legszívtelenebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszívtelenebb
főpap (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: főpap
papság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: papság
feltöltés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: feltöltés
szokásosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szokásosabb
legszokásosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszokásosabb
lókupec (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lókupec
lakhelyváltoztatás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lakhelyváltoztatás
változtatás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: változtatás
fogyasztási (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fogyasztási
angolnyelv-tudás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: angolnyelv-tudás
nyelvtudás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyelvtudás
szüfrazsett (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szüfrazsett
választójog (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: választójog
vezetői (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vezetői
vezetői (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vezetői
jégsaláta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: jégsaláta
fejes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fejes
fejes (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fejes
útlevélkép (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: útlevélkép
feszítés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: feszítés
munkavállalási (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: munkavállalási
munkavállalás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: munkavállalás
aranylakodalom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: aranylakodalom
aranyfüst (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: aranyfüst
ártány (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ártány
tantestület (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tantestület
dolcsi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dolcsi
roskatag (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: roskatag
roskatagabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: roskatagabb
legroskatagabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legroskatagabb
hitelesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hitelesebb
leghitelesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghitelesebb
részesedés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: részesedés
zsenánt (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsenánt
zsenántabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsenántabb
legzsenántabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legzsenántabb
saller (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: saller
feszélyező (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: feszélyező
feszélyező (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: feszélyező
tüzes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tüzes
tüzesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tüzesebb
legtüzesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legtüzesebb
vackor (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vackor
vircsaft (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vircsaft
vadregényes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vadregényes
vadregényesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vadregényesebb
legvadregényesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legvadregényesebb
kamuka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kamuka
fenevad (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fenevad
sekélyes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sekélyes
sekélyesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sekélyesebb
legsekélyesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legsekélyesebb
sarkantyús (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sarkantyús
csemelet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csemelet
rejtekhely (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rejtekhely
rejtek (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rejtek
kamelot (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kamelot
szószedet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szószedet
leprább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leprább
legleprább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legleprább
nagyestélyi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nagyestélyi
szemer (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemer
szemernyi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemernyi
vőfély (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vőfély
sátorfa (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sátorfa
kaikdzsi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kaikdzsi
gőzös (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gőzös
gőzös (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gőzös
gőzös (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gőzös
gőzösebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gőzösebb
leggőzösebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leggőzösebb
csónakos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csónakos
csónakos (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csónakos
csiriz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csiriz
dzsumbuj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dzsumbuj
dzsentri (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dzsentri
karnis (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: karnis
híre (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: híre
szapora (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szapora
szaporább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szaporább
legszaporább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszaporább
alja (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: alja
barma (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: barma
kánság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kánság
veríték (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: veríték
dzsömper (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dzsömper
bordásfal (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bordásfal
bordás (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bordás
ugrószekrény (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ugrószekrény
aljai (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: aljai
malma (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: malma
markom (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: markom
oszlopfő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: oszlopfő
kondor (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kondor
kondorabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kondorabb
legkondorabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkondorabb
főzet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: főzet
romantika (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: romantika
ösztrogén (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ösztrogén
asszonyos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: asszonyos
asszonyosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: asszonyosabb
legasszonyosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legasszonyosabb
kajmakám (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kajmakám
kormányzó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kormányzó
kormányzó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kormányzó
szafari (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szafari
hajlamosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hajlamosabb
leghajlamosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghajlamosabb
szociáldemokrácia (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szociáldemokrácia
ballonkabát (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ballonkabát
billenőkapcsoló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: billenőkapcsoló
kapcsoló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kapcsoló
kurtább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kurtább
legkurtább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkurtább
törés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: törés
helyettesítő (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: helyettesítő
tanóra (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tanóra
ótvar (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ótvar
tudatlan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tudatlan
tudatlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tudatlanabb
legtudatlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legtudatlanabb
tudatlanság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tudatlanság
császárzsemle (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: császárzsemle
frufru (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: frufru
alsószoknya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: alsószoknya
krinolin (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: krinolin
kapca (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kapca
Í (Hungarian letter) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Í
muzsik (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: muzsik
tímár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tímár
szerényebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szerényebb
legszerényebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszerényebb
elnyomó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: elnyomó
elnyomó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: elnyomó
elnyomóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: elnyomóbb
legelnyomóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legelnyomóbb
gondolkodó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gondolkodó
Potemkin-falu (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Potemkin-falu
orvosságos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: orvosságos
varkocs (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: varkocs
robbantott (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: robbantott
hiánygazdaság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hiánygazdaság
MTK (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: MTK
néhai (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: néhai
dúskeblűbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dúskeblűbb
legdúskeblűbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legdúskeblűbb
keblű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: keblű
pengés (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pengés
pengés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pengés
gyakorlatos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gyakorlatos
folyótorkolat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: folyótorkolat
gondviselés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gondviselés
eshetőség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: eshetőség
lenvászon (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lenvászon
boncolás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: boncolás
halotti (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: halotti
nagymise (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nagymise
szakszervezet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szakszervezet
kackiás (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kackiás
kackiásabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kackiásabb
legkackiásabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkackiásabb
nyalka (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyalka
nyalkább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyalkább
legnyalkább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legnyalkább
határozó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: határozó
határozó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: határozó
irón (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: irón
wagneri (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: wagneri
perszóna (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: perszóna
ocsmányabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ocsmányabb
legocsmányabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legocsmányabb
otrombább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: otrombább
legotrombább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legotrombább
kocsis (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kocsis
girland (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: girland
szajha (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szajha
muszkli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: muszkli
bróker (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bróker
üzenetrögzítő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: üzenetrögzítő
roham (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: roham
mellhártya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mellhártya
hidrográfia (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hidrográfia
víztan (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: víztan
hidrológia (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hidrológia
spekulatívabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: spekulatívabb
legspekulatívabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legspekulatívabb
virulensebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: virulensebb
legvirulensebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legvirulensebb
taktikaibb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: taktikaibb
legtaktikaibb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legtaktikaibb
usánka (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: usánka
pejoratívabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pejoratívabb
legpejoratívabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legpejoratívabb
napkelet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: napkelet
paranoiásabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: paranoiásabb
legparanoiásabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legparanoiásabb
patologikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: patologikusabb
legpatologikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legpatologikusabb
perspektivikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: perspektivikusabb
legperspektivikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legperspektivikusabb
technikus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: technikus
valag (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: valag
kőomlás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kőomlás
indonéz (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: indonéz
indonéz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: indonéz
karima (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: karima
plasztikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: plasztikusabb
legplasztikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legplasztikusabb
sezlon (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sezlon
kincstárnok (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kincstárnok
kincstár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kincstár
képtár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: képtár
hullamerevség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hullamerevség
fertőzés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fertőzés
zsebes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsebes
zsebes (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zsebes
délibábos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: délibábos
délibábosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: délibábosabb
legdélibábosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legdélibábosabb
kardos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kardos
kardosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kardosabb
legkardosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkardosabb
kardoskodás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kardoskodás
konyhakert (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: konyhakert
mosdóállvány (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mosdóállvány
veterán (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: veterán
serbli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: serbli
felszabadító (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: felszabadító
felszabadító (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: felszabadító
felszabadított (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: felszabadított
felszabadítás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: felszabadítás
Rijád (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Rijád
díszpinty (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: díszpinty
dobhártya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dobhártya
képjel (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: képjel
kimondhatatlan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kimondhatatlan
kimondhatatlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kimondhatatlanabb
legkimondhatatlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkimondhatatlanabb
nyelvérzék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyelvérzék
hizlaló (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hizlaló
hizlaló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hizlaló
hizlalóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hizlalóbb
leghizlalóbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leghizlalóbb
uhu (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: uhu
óráid (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: óráid
cigánykerék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: cigánykerék
Nóra (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Nóra
raklap (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: raklap
Ú (Hungarian letter) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Ú
hátrány (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hátrány
raponc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: raponc
pipereasztal (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pipereasztal
kifőzde (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kifőzde
követel (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: követel
szegénynegyed (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szegénynegyed
nyomor (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyomor
ádáz (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ádáz
ádázabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ádázabb
legádázabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legádázabb
ácsi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ácsi
sivatagos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sivatagos
zordon (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zordon
zordon (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zordon
zordonabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zordonabb
legzordonabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legzordonabb
fattyú (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fattyú
fattyú (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fattyú
tincs (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tincs
vézna (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vézna
véznább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: véznább
legvéznább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legvéznább
Amu-darja (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Amu-darja
Szir-darja (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Szir-darja
pészah (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pészah
izomláz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: izomláz
tapintatos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tapintatos
tapintatosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tapintatosabb
legtapintatosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legtapintatosabb
tároló (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tároló
tároló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tároló
karbantartás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: karbantartás
hullámvasút (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hullámvasút
ösztöndíjas (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ösztöndíjas
ösztöndíjas (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ösztöndíjas
fővállalkozó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fővállalkozó
könyvszekrény (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: könyvszekrény
jogos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: jogos
időtlen (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: időtlen
csili (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csili
csilis (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csilis
talizmán (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: talizmán
varázsige (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: varázsige
Nádja (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Nádja
csipet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csipet
nagylelkűbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nagylelkűbb
legnagylelkűbb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legnagylelkűbb
hidra (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hidra
zug (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zug
tüsszentés (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tüsszentés
adókulcs (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: adókulcs
adómentes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: adómentes
adóbevallás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: adóbevallás
faragatlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: faragatlanabb
legfaragatlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legfaragatlanabb
nőgyűlölő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nőgyűlölő
csúf (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csúf
csúf (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csúf
csúfabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csúfabb
legcsúfabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legcsúfabb
céllövölde (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: céllövölde
lépe (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lépe
iszapos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: iszapos
iszaposabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: iszaposabb
legiszaposabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legiszaposabb
termet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: termet
termetek (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: termetek
termetű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: termetű
termetes (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: termetes
termetesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: termetesebb
legtermetesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legtermetesebb
háromság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: háromság
vadállat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vadállat
tapasztalatlanság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tapasztalatlanság
éden (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: éden
statiszta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: statiszta
csinnadratta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csinnadratta
intolerancia (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: intolerancia
frigy (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: frigy
üdvözlégy (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: üdvözlégy
sprőd (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sprőd
sprődebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sprődebb
legsprődebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legsprődebb
jatagán (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: jatagán
ármány (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ármány
ármányos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ármányos
ármányos (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ármányos
ármányosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ármányosabb
legármányosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legármányosabb
szappanopera (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szappanopera
rubensi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rubensi
mezítlábas (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mezítlábas
mezítlábas (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mezítlábas
Dániel (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Dániel
farsang (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: farsang
burok (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: burok
porfészek (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: porfészek
sáfár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sáfár
egyenjogúság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: egyenjogúság
egyenjogú (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: egyenjogú
jogú (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: jogú
exhumálás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: exhumálás
rajt (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rajt
emm (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: emm
tündérkonty (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tündérkonty
sárkánygyökér (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sárkánygyökér
jótevő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: jótevő
Marrákes (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Marrákes
diadalmas (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: diadalmas
diadalmasabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: diadalmasabb
legdiadalmasabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legdiadalmasabb
cárnő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: cárnő
cári (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: cári
Jerikó (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Jerikó
páciens (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: páciens
idegenlégiós (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: idegenlégiós
legionárius (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legionárius
légionista (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: légionista
kentum (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kentum
közpénz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: közpénz
nagymellű (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nagymellű
fodrászszalon (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fodrászszalon
fodrászinas (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fodrászinas
inas (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: inas
inas (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: inas
lyukkártya (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lyukkártya
fodrászat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fodrászat
fodrászüzlet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fodrászüzlet
fodrásznő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fodrásznő
mellbőség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mellbőség
mellkasi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: mellkasi
ujjbegy (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ujjbegy
svihák (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: svihák
svihák (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: svihák
melírozás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: melírozás
melír (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: melír
pesztra (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pesztra
varroda (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: varroda
varrat (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: varrat
varrónő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: varrónő
ortopéd (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ortopéd
ortopédia (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ortopédia
ortopédiai (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ortopédiai
ágyláb (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ágyláb
ínyenc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ínyenc
szíj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szíj
dölyf (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dölyf
dölyfös (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dölyfös
dölyfösebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dölyfösebb
legdölyfösebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legdölyfösebb
Bódog (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Bódog
utcaseprő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: utcaseprő
tilinkó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tilinkó
pakura (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pakura
nyersolaj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyersolaj
kozmetikum (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kozmetikum
rozoga (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rozoga
rozogább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rozogább
legrozogább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legrozogább
sarj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sarj
kelmefestő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kelmefestő
virgonc (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: virgonc
virgonc (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: virgonc
virgoncabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: virgoncabb
legvirgoncabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legvirgoncabb
méta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: méta
laikus (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: laikus
laikus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: laikus
métely (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: métely
goromba (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: goromba
gorombább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: gorombább
leggorombább (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: leggorombább
diktatórikus (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: diktatórikus
diktatórikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: diktatórikusabb
legdiktatórikusabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legdiktatórikusabb
alkáli (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: alkáli
alkáli (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: alkáli
kulimász (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kulimász
rozsomák (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rozsomák
szellős (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szellős
szellősebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szellősebb
legszellősebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legszellősebb
nyereséges (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyereséges
nyereségesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyereségesebb
legnyereségesebb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legnyereségesebb
nyereség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyereség
nyíltság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyíltság
őszinteség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: őszinteség
-ancia (Hungarian suffix) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: -ancia
menza (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: menza
rozsdás (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rozsdás
rozsdásabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rozsdásabb
legrozsdásabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legrozsdásabb
rozsdabarna (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rozsdabarna
rozsdabarna (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rozsdabarna
szemfesték (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szemfesték
ladik (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ladik
Andalúzia (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Andalúzia
Lőrinc (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Lőrinc
darvai (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: darvai
fátyolfelhő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fátyolfelhő
fűtő (Hungarian participle) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fűtő
fűtő (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fűtő
megújhodás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: megújhodás
megújulás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: megújulás
újdondász (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: újdondász
motoros (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: motoros
motoros (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: motoros
zacc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: zacc
pör (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: pör
puccs (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: puccs
monumentálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: monumentálisabb
legmonumentálisabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legmonumentálisabb
könyvtári (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: könyvtári
falusiasabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: falusiasabb
legfalusiasabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legfalusiasabb
Barna (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Barna
vádi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vádi
egyiptológus (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: egyiptológus
felfedező (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: felfedező
felfedező (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: felfedező
túlsúlyos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: túlsúlyos
kalandor (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kalandor
kalandosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kalandosabb
legkalandosabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkalandosabb
kalandozó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kalandozó
kalandozó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kalandozó
szivar (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: szivar
bérmálás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bérmálás
kujon (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kujon
madaras (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: madaras
madarai (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: madarai
sétány (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: sétány
promenád (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: promenád
csehó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: csehó
kávézó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kávézó
kávédaráló (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kávédaráló
hadihajó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hadihajó
bagdadi (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bagdadi
bagdadi (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: bagdadi
soros (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: soros
aranytartalék (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: aranytartalék
aranyér (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: aranyér
Tata (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Tata
futár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: futár
Orán (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Orán
részecskefizika (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: részecskefizika
ragos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ragos
terc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: terc
dézsa (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dézsa
akim (Hungarian pronoun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: akim
hajcsár (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hajcsár
síd (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: síd
smokk (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: smokk
smokk (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: smokk
smokkabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: smokkabb
legsmokkabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legsmokkabb
holmija (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: holmija
fizető (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fizető
fizető (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: fizető
linóleum (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: linóleum
terrakotta (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: terrakotta
vendégszoba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vendégszoba
aloé (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: aloé
világjáró (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: világjáró
világjáró (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: világjáró
hetilap (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hetilap
olvasóterem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: olvasóterem
palid (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: palid
lelenc (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lelenc
lelet (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: lelet
vaskos (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: vaskos
ponyva (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ponyva
kupica (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kupica
ámokfutás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ámokfutás
utazósebesség (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: utazósebesség
utazómagasság (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: utazómagasság
imádó (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: imádó
imádó (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: imádó
Soros (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Soros
dobja (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dobja
dobjai (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dobjai
diverzáns (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: diverzáns
ukáz (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ukáz
kaskavál (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kaskavál
rianás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rianás
turolás (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: turolás
hajszálér (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hajszálér
hajszálcső (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: hajszálcső
célnyelv (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: célnyelv
forrásnyelv (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: forrásnyelv
dilinós (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dilinós
dilinósabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: dilinósabb
legdilinósabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legdilinósabb
menüszalag (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: menüszalag
galiba (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: galiba
kiszámíthatatlan (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kiszámíthatatlan
kiszámíthatatlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: kiszámíthatatlanabb
legkiszámíthatatlanabb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legkiszámíthatatlanabb
nyikhaj (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: nyikhaj
ordináré (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ordináré
ordenáré (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ordenáré
ordenárébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ordenárébb
legordenárébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legordenárébb
ordinárébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ordinárébb
legordinárébb (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: legordinárébb
tizenéves (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tizenéves
tizenéves (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: tizenéves
rudam (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: rudam
anyu (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: anyu
Hyundai (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Hyundai
belei (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: belei
ebem (Hungarian noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: ebem
Karakas (Hungarian proper noun) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: Karakas
adott (Hungarian adjective) inflection table: unrecognized header: 'non-attributive possessive – singular' Path: adott
This page is a part of the machine-readable All languages combined dictionary. This dictionary is based on structured data extracted on 2025-02-17 from the enwiktionary dump dated 2025-02-02 using wiktextract (ca09fec and c40eb85). The data shown on this site has been post-processed and various details (e.g., extra categories) removed, some information disambiguated, and additional data merged from other sources. See the raw data download page for the unprocessed wiktextract data.
If you use this data in academic research, please cite Tatu Ylonen: Wiktextract: Wiktionary as Machine-Readable Structured Data, Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), pp. 1317-1325, Marseille, 20-25 June 2022. Linking to the relevant page(s) under would also be greatly appreciated.